Thursday, December 06, 2007
There's Frozen Precipitation--ON MY HEART!
We interrupt this regularly scheduled blog to tell you there is a chance of frozen precip in the area. Jen could not be available to write her Pulitzer-worthy post today because she is busy begging her Lord for snow and ice. She cannot be torn away from the snow altar she has built in the back yard for occasions such as this. These special prayers take concentration and sometimes it takes many hours to get in "the zone."

She and her friend Holly have a ceremonial snow dance.
It's a little bit tribal--a little bit funky. It's pretty complicated. The Running Man is involved.

After the praying, after the dancing, they sing snow related songs. Songs such as "Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!" and "Walking in a Winter Wonderland" and "If It Doesn't Stinkin' Snow and Get Me Out of School, I'm Gonna Hurt Somebody." That last one is an original number. They have a copyright pending, so attorneys will be contacting you if you try and use it.

When all else fails Holly and Jen, both educators and shapers of young minds, start looking for student sacrifices. Strangely enough, there's always volunteers. And then they say, "Um...we were kidding. That was our crazy, zany sense of humor. We would get in serious trouble with your parents if we did that...unless you sign this waiver."

Please return to whatever you were doing. Like looking at a real blog. And remember this possible frozen precipitation possibility in your daily prayers. Or your thrice daily prayers. Facing Mecca. Whatever.

If you are stumped for the words to say, here is one the ladies sometimes use:
Our Father, who art in Heaven.
Hallowed Be Thy Name.
Thy Snow Flakes Come,
Thy Temp Will Fall
Moisture in the air, as it is on the ground.
Give us this day our frozen raindrops
And forgive us for our global warning, as we forgive absolutely anyone you want us to if it means we can have sleet.
And lead us not above thirty-two degrees,
But deliver us from fronts that barely miss us.
For snow days are the coolest, the neatest, and most relaxing days ever.

  posted at 7:53 PM  

At 9:57 PM, Blogger Timothy Fish said...

Here is another prayer you might add to your ritual:

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord for snow that’s deep.
If it fall before I wake,
I pray the Lord for a frozen lake.

At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this - you crack me up! Please just pray that all of this takes place Sunday night and not over the weekend....please!

At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must really not like us to get out of school that much....hahah just kidding. I love your poem..and the running man. You should show us that dance in class! I'll pray for snow for you..and just for you.

At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recently came across this adorable poem that SO reminded me of you:
Oh Lord, let it snow.
Let it drift and let it blow.
In the morning, no real fuss,
Just enough to stop the bus.
Enough to make the county say:
"There will be no school today."
Let the radio report: "Snow's deep!"
And I'll roll over for more sleep.
Then later on, say maybe ten,
I'll turn the radio on again.
Just in time to hear them say:
"It's strange, the snow has gone away."
And then I'll know, You made it stop.
So I can go to the mall and shop.
Please Lord, just hear my teacher's plea,
And make it snow for the kids and me.
- John Hillen

At 5:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your "The Lord's Winter Weather Prayer"! I also like John's! I even sang a rain song in hopes that it would freeze, but (Of COURSE!!!!) it didn't!!!!

At 9:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting Mrs. Jones.

Very interesting.


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Jenny B. Jones

Arkansas, US

I am a teacher in one of the largest high schools in the state. I'm also a writer of Young Adult novels and am currently working on a brand new series. Book three in the Katie Parker Production series, The Big Picture, will hit shelves in April 2008. Stay tuned!

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