Monday, February 18, 2008
Random Monday
Occasionally there are some funny things in our high school announcements. Like this event:
Second Annual Shark Dissection/AP Biology Lock In

I ask you, who the HECK wants to have a slumber party so you can cut up a SHARK? Of course, I'm the one who took a whole batch of obscure science classes in college so I would never have to dissect anything worse than a tree limb.

One of the students who gave me the illegal Valentine's Day cookies took me to task for not including her original poem on the blog. So I wanted to be sure and remedy that and share her amazing rhyming skills with the world. Prepare yourself for greatness.

Ms. Jones, Oh Ms. Jones
We should go out to get a cone.

You are my favorite teach.
Every day we gave a speech.
You are the host of our Kraft Klub.
We only had one good sub.

You are so great
You make me want to love and not to hate.

You teach us yoga.
You'd look awesome in a toga.

I wrote this poem just for you.
Instead of the boring roses are red, violets are blue.

-Karly K, co-creator of the KK Kraft Klub.

I have to admit, it's hard to find a word to rhyme with "yoga." That's some good poetry, right there.

So I read this book Friday night.

People have been telling me for YEARS to read the Stephanie Plum series by Evanovich. I just never got around to it. But Friday I picked up a copy and gave it a try. And I really liked it! I didn't like how minimal the mystery was, but this girl is snappy, sarcastic, and funny. Somebody you'd want to hang out with. So if that's your style, then definitely check it out. Okay, I know everyone on the planet's already read it, but if you're one of the five (like me) who haven't, then you need to get with it. Because we have a lot of catching up to do. I think there are 489 more books in the series.

So before I move on to another Stephanie Plum novel, I'm trying to read book three in the Twilight series. (Soon to be a movie. Check it out on if you want to see who the lead characters are. Not sure how I feel about them yet.)

I liked book one, Twilight. Book two, New Moon, was okay. And book three...well, all my students SWEAR it's great. So I will continue. But I'm not loving it. I'm sorry, I don't relate to wanting to give up your life so you can be a blood sucking vampire for all eternity like your boyfriend. Girls, if you find yourself in this kind of situation, do not give into vapmire peer pressure. And I know, it's been a while since I was a teenager and times have changed. I feel that is a touchy topic though and probably one best discussed with your mothers.

Okay, going to get ready to greet Monday.
Have a great week.

  posted at 7:22 AM  

At 11:04 AM, Blogger Mary R Snyder said...

I just love it when "Jen's Zippity Blog" pops up in my email box -- I know that I'm in for a treat.

Oh, you'll love the Stephanie Plum books -- I've read them all!

Thanks for sharing your adventures -- and your love of snow (or should I say, snow days). We don't have many of those here in the deep south, but the slightest dusting of flakes will close our schools!

At 1:05 PM, Blogger Jenny B. Jones said...

Aw, thanks Mary!! I'm looking forward to reading some more of the Stephanie Plum books. I'm really into her cop friend, whose name I completely forget. Minelli?
And yes, I love how small amounts of snow can close down school. I'm watching a front for Wed/Thurs. It breaks my heart that some places get FEET of snow and they still have school! Un. American.


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Jenny B. Jones

Arkansas, US

I am a teacher in one of the largest high schools in the state. I'm also a writer of Young Adult novels and am currently working on a brand new series. Book three in the Katie Parker Production series, The Big Picture, will hit shelves in April 2008. Stay tuned!

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